Hospitality Insurance

Our plans are personalised and tailored to you, so you can rest assured that we’ll protect you and your business when you need it most.

Insurance for Hospitality & Tourism Businesses

Running your own hospitality business is exciting and rewarding, but it can also be daunting, particularly when it comes to ensuring you and your business are protected. There are lots of scenarios that you can prepare for in the day-to-day running of your business, but what about the ones you can’t predict? With Tudor’s Hospitality Insurance, we’ll be here for you when you need us, providing you with the right cover to keep your business safe.

Who should consider Hospitality Business Insurance?

Anyone who owns a business in the hospitality industry should consider taking out insurance with a trusted broker like Tudor Insurance. We protect businesses and owners against damage and unforeseen events.

There are a wide range of businesses that fall within the hospitality category. Some of the most common hospitality businesses we insure are:

  • Cafes & restaurants

  • Clubs

  • Hotels and accommodation providers

  • Tourism-related businesses

What does Hospitality Insurance cover?

When you protect your hospitality business with Tudor Insurance, you can be covered against a range of circumstances, including Property Damage, Public Liability and Business Interruptions. Other types of incidents that we cover include:

  • Equipment or Machinery Breakdown (including loss of goods in cold storage)

  • Employee Dishonesty

  • Glass Damage

  • Tax Audit

  • Theft, and theft or loss of money.

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